Whether it’s a high-profile tech company like Yahoo!, or a more established conglomerate like GE or Home Depot, large companies have a hard time keeping their best and brightest in house. Recently, GigaOM discussed the troubles at Yahoo! with a flat stock price, vested options for some of their best people, and the apparent free flow of VC dollars luring away some of their best people to do the start-up thing again.
Forbes just released their TOP10-List of “FAIL” in the sense of keeping talent:
1. Big Company Bureaucracy
2. Failing to Find a Project for the Talent that Ignites Their Passion
3. Poor Annual Performance Reviews
4. No Discussion around Career Development
5. Shifting Whims/Strategic Priorities
6. Lack of Accountability and/or telling them how to do their Jobs
7. Top Talent likes other Top Talent
8. The Missing Vision Thing
9. Lack of Open-Mindedness.
10. Who’s the Boss?
Google led me to this blog entry, and it is absolutely what I was looking for.